01 August 2012

Chickens and the First Amendment

I don't often write about current events. There are far more (too many, perhaps?) individuals far better versed in journalism than I, already reporting and blogging and throwing their voices into the cacophony that constitutes whatever it is that we call "news" these days. 

But the recent hullabaloo around Chick-fil-A (that's CNN's take) struck a nerve.

I doubt I have to clarify where it is I stand on the issue at hand - that the CEO is a small-minded bigot, but free speech is free speech and that douche canoe can say whatever hateful things he'd like, he should just prepare for people to disagree, and strongly. Therefore, we are all at our liberties to boycott or patronize Chick-fil-A at our leisure, be it man or muppet alike. 

Here's the thing, though. The issue didn't end at the boycott, at many politicians tossing in their two cents (no, Menino isn't really within his rights to do any of that, e.g. zoning permits), or those who agree with Mr. Cathy to go on washing down cholesterol-laden chicken with haterade. If that were the end, I would have said, well, business as usual in the good ol' US of A. What got me was the protracted fuckery that has gone on since.

We have barely conscious imbeciles who have NO CLUE what the meaning of free speech is complaining that there is a conspiracy to silence those God-fearing Christians who would like the government to be wholly uninvolved in everything but everyone else's sex lives. Free speech does not protect you from people listening to what you said, deciding you're an absolute asshole, and taking non-violent, entirely legal action AGAINST YOU. Stop waving the First Amendment around until you fucking understand it!

More than that, though... More than the undercurrent of untenable ignorance that runs through this entire ridiculous issue... is the fact that a man that was once running for President declared today Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day and there are lines around blocks at some locations. And you know what? Those people can eat there if they choose, but underneath it all, underneath the homophobia, the sensationalism, the dearth of comprehension regarding the Bill of Rights... lies a nation so enamored with its own ability to hate that we will politicize a fucking chicken sandwich.

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