21 January 2010

Welcome to My Job Hunt

Alright, at the behest of some friends and acquaintances, I've decided to commit to the annals of history (or Blogger) my experiences on "the dole" (that's unemployment to you non-Brits, but having a nickname for it is so much fun). Let's get the nitty gritty nonsense out of the way.

I was laid off on Wednesday, January 13, 2010. I worked at a health-related non-profit organization in their Connecticut office for just under two years as a paid employee. My hire date was February 20, 2008, but I was an intern there before that. I can't say I'm not a little annoyed they didn't give me two full years of employment, but whatever.

I can't say I'm crushed. I hated my job. I was good at it, but I was apparently a sickening over-cost. At $34,5000 a year, I'm sure my salary was really bustin' the ol' bank. Yeah, that's what I made. You can send me donations and condolences if you'd like.

So they out-sourced my job, and my boss's. She retired. The same day I was laid off. (You can give that one the side-eye, it deserves it.)

This leaves me, at 25, unemployed, single, and living with my parents. I am so fucking kick-ass, even I can't stand my awesomeness sometimes. I'm polishing my resumé, staring at collecting unemployment, and trying desperately to decide what I want to do and where I want to do it. I have a seriously hard-core degree, and I should be exploiting that, but if whatever I do leaves me staring at a computer monitor (I recognize the irony of that sentiment as I sit here "blogging"), cooped up in a windowless cell again, I'll probably drop off the radar completely and move to Kuala Lumpur, or Bucharest, or some other far-flung locale that has an uneven distribution of consonants to vowels in its name.

This is a chronicle of my job search, my soul search (I do have a soul, Sam gave it back to me for my 25th birthday. It's in my wallet. Ask me to see it!), and all the other things I do to fill my days.

Photo courtesy of Danny Choo

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